We certainly had a weather week in Chicago....The year started off with over a foot of snow, then the temperature plunged to 40 below (yes, it was colder here than in Siberia, leading to the hashtag of #ChiBeria) for 3 days and now the temperature is in the upper 30's.
This meant a day off of work, two days of screaming obscenities at my car to will it into starting (and being jumped twice in the evening by co-workers with V-8 engines), enjoying the warm up, hating the rain and it ended with the never felt before sensation of hydro planing and sliding on ice SIMULTANEOUSLY! Never felt that before. And it didn't matter which way I turned or how much I pumped the brakes, just a zipping sensation of seeing the landscape pass by again and again. Oh, there was also my commute being doubled!
When I did have to venture out in the cold all I thought about was Joseph Beuys. I though about his (possible real, possibly made up) plane crash in Crimea and how he only survived because a group of Tartars wrapped him in fat and felt. I was wrapped in wool and a Columbia jacket that reflects back body heat.
Thank goodness for the weekend and being able to sit on the couch. I am trying to knit socks and I am having a very hard time finding a simple sock pattern. In English. Some how the Germans have corned the market on sock patterns. My college German is a bit rusty, so all I can translate is that if I have any frage I can telephone some long distance number. I think I will try a pattern from lion brand, I've already frogged my project once, I can always frog it again!
This meant a day off of work, two days of screaming obscenities at my car to will it into starting (and being jumped twice in the evening by co-workers with V-8 engines), enjoying the warm up, hating the rain and it ended with the never felt before sensation of hydro planing and sliding on ice SIMULTANEOUSLY! Never felt that before. And it didn't matter which way I turned or how much I pumped the brakes, just a zipping sensation of seeing the landscape pass by again and again. Oh, there was also my commute being doubled!
When I did have to venture out in the cold all I thought about was Joseph Beuys. I though about his (possible real, possibly made up) plane crash in Crimea and how he only survived because a group of Tartars wrapped him in fat and felt. I was wrapped in wool and a Columbia jacket that reflects back body heat.
Thank goodness for the weekend and being able to sit on the couch. I am trying to knit socks and I am having a very hard time finding a simple sock pattern. In English. Some how the Germans have corned the market on sock patterns. My college German is a bit rusty, so all I can translate is that if I have any frage I can telephone some long distance number. I think I will try a pattern from lion brand, I've already frogged my project once, I can always frog it again!
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