Saturday, February 4, 2012

Stereograph..Back and Better than Ever

   The original 3-D viewing device is back, thanks to the New York Public Library's Stereogranimator.
 Stereographs have been around since the mid 1800's and work similar to how are eye perceive the world. You place a card that has side by side 2-D images on it in your viewer, adjust and viola! A seemingly 3-D image appears before your eyes.

The 1906 San Francisco Earthquake

Oranges Growing in Southern California

Doughboys of the 89th Div. Resting in Treves, Germany

Between the 1840's and the 1930's millions of stereographs were produced in a wide range of media and on a variety of subjects (as you can see above). Oliver Wendell Holmes invented a handheld viewer and people were able to grow their viewing collection. You look through the two lenses and adjust your view by sliding the horizontal viewer closer or farther away. Then, the lovely print of Diana can be her glorious tastefully nude self. 

If all of this is seeming familiar to you, just think of the trusty view master of your childhood. Now, back to the New York Public Library.....You can go to their site here and choose from any of the stereographs in their collection. Then, you slide them together and animate! 
We choose to search "snow" since it's winter and all....Here's what we came up with for our animated stenograph...

GIF made with the NYPL Labs Stereogranimator - view more at
GIF made with the NYPL Labs Stereogranimator

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