Sunday, May 25, 2014

In Progress Paper Flower Boquet

  I am really enjoying making paper flowers. They're a fun, creative way to add some color around the house. They won't die or wilt and they don't bother my allergies at all. Seriously, this year the pollen count is 5 times the norm-what gives? Ugh!
   I decided that I should really focus on making a set of blooms rather than one bloom by itself. I though some antique or vintage containers or vases would be a good start. Have the vessel dictate the size, shape, color and feel of my flowers. I (mistakenly) thought that Goodwill would be a great place to start-thru should have cheap vases-right? The ended up have shelves upon shelves of those Teleflora/1-800 Flowers vases that you get free with an order. Supremely depressing to see all those vases stacked row upon row. That and they were all the same boring, clear shape. Luckily it was the antique show up in Elkhorn this past weekend and I was able to get a sweet vintage cottage cheese container-the colors did me in-bright teal and yellow.
  I decided to go with some small powder-puff like blooms. These guys are simple and fun to make. I normally make these babies an inch or two bigger, but I really wanted to use my teal crepe paper and I only have it in a roll, so that limited my size. I went with dark colors in the center and light on the outside. I might place some plain white ones in, I'll see as I go along. I have one down right now and need about a dozen or so to really fill the container out.
  Here's a progress shot...

I'll post more as I get closer to it being complete!

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Creepy Antique Sunday

Time for another round of "Antiques that Creep Me Out"....though this one is more, "if you want to be Norman Bates"...hopefully the person who buys this is more of a "Lars and the Real Girl" type!

"I just listen" and stare with my cold dead eyes........

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Paper Flowers

Since the weather is so downright dreary, I've been on a paper flower kick. No allergies, no dirt or bugs, not watering required!

My first flower, not the best since I didn't have the proper coffee filters and floral wire. Still, not bad.

After purchasing way to many floral pips, I got down to making my first proper flower-and it looks like it could past muster. 

Painting the crepe paper added a touch of realism that I quite love-no I just have to decide-wristlet, corsage or hair accessory?

Not quite what I envisioned, but I think it came out nice overall. 

Super Halloween-y with the vintage paper patterns and the bright orange gemstone.